This document contains an official Steering Group-maintained accounting of the WHATWG workstreams, their responsible editors, and their associated standards.
Note that per the Workstream Policy, the official Editors listed here may have delegated responsibilities and editing duties to deputy editors for any given Living Standard. As such, the Editor position listed here is more about "who is the official liaison with the Steering Group" and less about "who is editing the document". To get an accounting of who is primarily responsible for day-to-day specification work, you'll be better served by checking the Acknowledgments section of the Living Standard in question.
- Scope
- CSS properties and DOM APIs that web browsers need to support for compatibility with the de facto web.
- Scope
- APIs for console debugging facilities.
- Scope
- The web's model for events, aborting activities, and node trees.
- Scope
- Character encodings on the web, and their JavaScript API.
- Scope
- The networking model for resource retrieval on the web.
Fullscreen API
- Scope
- An API for web pages to take over a user's entire screen.
- Scope
- A kitchen sink full of technologies for the web, including the core markup language for the web, HTML, as well as numerous APIs like Web Sockets, Web Workers,
, etc.
- Scope
- The fundamental concepts upon which standards are built.
MIME Sniffing
- Scope
- Algorithms used to determine the type of resources.
Notifications API
- Scope
- An API to display notifications to alert users outside the context of a web page.
Quirks Mode
- Scope
- Quirks in CSS and Selectors that are necessary to support for web browsers for compatibility with the web.
- Scope
- APIs for persistent storage and quota estimates, as well as the web platform storage architecture.
- Scope
- Web APIs for creating, composing, and consuming streams of data that map efficiently to low-level I/O primitives.
Test Utils
- Scope
- Internal APIs for automating testing of web platform features implemented in web browsers, e.g., to trigger JavaScript garbage collection.
- Scope
- URLs, their infrastructure, and their API.
- Scope
- A syntax for specifications to use to define web APIs and the translation of that syntax into web browser programming languages such as JavaScript.
- Scope
- A client-side networking API for transferring data between a web page and a server.